Bill started his umpiring career in 1967 at the age of 14 on the sandlots of Springfield Township. Two years later, he joined the Summit Umpire Association. At the end of that year he was honored as the runner-up Rookie of the Year.

In his 53 years as an umpire, he has worked 31 Regional games and 15 State tournament games. During the summer he has umpired countless Youth and Adult Amateur games, which include American Legion Tournament, Greater Akron AA League, Canton A League and Stark-Summit over 18.

Bill worked college games for Akron, Kent State, in the NCAC, Ohio conference and the NAIA. Bill served on the Summit Umpire Board for many years and was voted President in 1984. At present, he is currently working Roy Hobbs in the summer in addition to his high school schedule.